Tuesday, February 17, 2009

About Sloths as Pets: Some Crazy Facts and Tips

Sloths are from South America. They are known for their way of moving about , upside down. They are able to do so because of their hooklike claws. In fact they are so secure that they are able to sleep in this position.

But once they go to sleep, their muscles become tensed, and they can not relax until the animal wakens and relaxes them deliberately. Sometimes this happens because they sense danger. And it causes them to awaken. Their predators are people, harpie eagles, fossas, jaguars, leopards, eagles, hawks (big ones).

Getting A Little Habitat For Your Pet Sloth
You need a cage for your pet sloth or a cardboard box. As they get older you might want a cage for them. Or you can set a nice little free area for them. Get a fake medium size tree or get some bars (pull-up bars are the best because they are made for holding weight.

They are well behaved, so you don't have to worry about them making a mess of everything. Get a small hammock and put it somewhere quiet in your house but make sure you're there most of the time. Otherwise they will start to whine.

If you are going to be doing the laundry etc. then just pick them up and hug them, they'll get the idea to cling on to you. Or if yours doesn't like the sound of that then just get a blanket and fold it like a hammock and tie it behind your neck. Then fix it into a pouch sort of and then put your sloth in there and let them do whatever. They love attention.

Playing With Your Pet Sloth
Sloths love to play tickle, and peek-a-boo. Some of them might like different games, but these are the most popular. As strange as it sounds they love to give kisses. When you play tickle, do not tickle them at their sensitive areas: under their arms, inner thighs, or their palms.

They may tend to get a little sulky. But, if you give them a hug they'll come out of it. They love to play peek-a-boo under a blanket. They can play this game for hours.

Grooming Your Pet Sloth
Your sloth will do most of the grooming, but you can help them with a big strong comb. Get the comb wet or you can give them a bath every 2 days. Make sure you dry them off good though. They can get sick otherwise. They love it when you give them a blow dry, they'll start to fall asleep, so hold them when you do this that way they don't fall over.

Sloths' Diet
When you have a pet sloth this can get pretty tricky. They like to eat bugs and leaves. They always have a snack around.

They may itch because there are parasites in their fur. Anyway when they get some parasites on their claws they eat them. They can live off most kind of leaves so this isn't a problem.

Take them out in your yard and let them scourage around for bugs or leaves. Get a baby bottle and put some water in it they'll suck on it and have their fill.

My Very Own Baby Sloth
My sister gave me a baby sloth. It's a her. She is a three toed sloth and has great personality. I felt so bad for her because she was sent from Brazil to Florida.

When she arrived she was wide awake, a minute later she was out like a light. 3 hours later she finally woke up. After awhile I figured out that she wanted to play peek-a-boo. It was so hilarious. I think everyone should have one they are the best pets. I got very lucky with mine as it usually takes a year to get them.

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